Les Echos

Les Echos

Les Echos Les Echos

Les Echos, a key French media outlet, covers financial news with a constant focus on comprehensiveness and quality. Whatever the medium, the daily newspaper offers its readership reliability, accuracy and innovation.

Creation date: 1908
Président-directeur général: Pierre Louette
Head office: 16, rue du Quatre Septembre, 75002 Paris - France
Website: www.lesechos.fr


When in 1908 Emile and Robert Servan-Schreiber embarked on a journalistic adventure and published the first issue of what was to become Les Echos, the newspaper was not yet a daily. Under its original title of Les Echos de l’Exportation, the publication was a vehicle for promoting the family business, which was specialized in the exportation of hardware and haberdashery. It was only twenty years later that the monthly four-page publication became a daily and adopted the name by which we know it today. Immediately taken up by the decision-makers of the time, it became a reference publication in the financial press. Over a century later, Les Echos has maintained this privileged status. The only daily newspaper printed in France to be specialized in business news, it offers its readership all the keys required to make a decision. This offer is now available in all digital formats, on its website and social networks as well as on tablets and smartphones. Les Echos also offers multiple solutions intended for businesses.

Le Centorial © Jean-Jacques Ory Architecte


Since its foundation, Les Echos' reputation for excellence has been based on the irreproachable quality of its articles. A unique body with a collegial structure ensures this consistency: Les Echos'editorial board. In 2014, it included over 200 journalists and 40 foreign and regional correspondents, guaranteeing expert content.

Les Echos'editorial board © Les Echos


Nicolas Barré, Les Echos Managing Editor © Les Echos

” Today, Les Echos takes up the fascinating challenge of the digital revolution. It is a fundamental shift that has transformed the entire editorial board, which now writes for all the brand’s media, web and print alike. Work habits have changed enormously, further transformed by social networks where our presence is absolutely crucial in order to offer additional access to our content.”


In an age where digital news of all kinds is increasing, vying for attention and ultimately confusing the reader’s understanding, Les Echos offers an innovative smartphone application allowing users to receive general, financial and business news in real time. It is called Les Echos/Live. This application takes the form of a news feed, created by a dedicated editorial team, which is updated in real time with emphasis placed on hot topics. Its promise: constant news updates that encourage the user to come back to it all the time in order to experience the news as it happens. Les Echos/Live was designed around a model similar to that of social network applications, the use of which is at the heart of mobile news consumption.

Les Echos/Live © Les Echos
Les Echos/Live © Les Echos


The digital revolution has profoundly transformed news consumption habits. Les Echos, already an exceptional news outlet in its printed form, has taken up the challenge and digitalized its content in order to offer better access to news through its different media. The LesEchos.fr digital platform is a website filled with unique analysis and insight. It is an essential tool for decision-makers and companies, as well as those who wish to get to the essence of things faster.

Key figures

  • 240 members of the editorial teams
  • 4,142,000 unique visitors each month on LesEchos.fr
  • 124,422 copies sold on average each month in 2013, its highest circulation in 10 years

Les Echos on social media

  • Si l'on observe les taux d'emprunt de la France, les investisseurs ne semblent pas s'inquiéter pour l'instant d'une… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
  • Une résolution remettant en cause la capacité de Budapest à assurer la présidence tournante de l'UE, « compte tenu… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
  • Le fabricant américain de logiciels a déçu sur ses prévisions, même si ses résultats trimestriels restent au-dessus… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…

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